Monday, January 31, 2011

Fashion Haul

I went shopping today. Whee! Lately, I haven't felt too in the mood for new clothing (crazy right?), but something came over me this morning and made me wanna shop. So that's what I did! It was such a beautiful day in SoCal so I decided to go to an outdoor shopping area in Pasadena. I got some great stuff from Forever 21 and Zara. I went a little crazy on the earrings. I mean, it may not seem crazy to you, but it's crazy to me because I'm not an accessory person. I used to be, then I got over it because I started wearing only jewelry that other people gave to me. But for some reason, I started craving new I went ahead and picked some out!


I listed all the prices below the pictures. Zara was having a really big sale, so that's why the prices were so inexpensive! My favorite thing about these pants from Zara is that they came with the belt! You can also remove them from the pants, so they aren't stuck to them! So yayee for that! haha! Hope you enjoyed my little haulage! =D


Mellmay said...

hahah what message i didnt get one ... where did you send it to? my email is if that helps.. LOVE the earings... i went to forever21 today too and they had a BUNCH of $1.50 earings i wanted them all haha

thomessa said...

I'm going through the exact same thing with accessories, I used to love them but not so much anymore, but now I just want to buy a ton of it!! You got some really nice stuff!!!

Unknown said...

great haul, I really like the feather earrings. yeah, I am the same. I go through phases of not shopping then wanting to shop for particular things. Crazy though cause I barely wear earrings but I buy so many... Cute bedding by the way lol

jezmacmania said...

@mellmay: i'm seriously about to go back for more!

@thomessa: the accessory bug definitely bit me!

@rilakumaki: thanks! i think i'm more excited for my feather earrings too, just cuz i have nothing like it! and lol, my bedding is a little out there. but i do enjoy it myself. haha =)

Anonymous said...

Ooo Nice haul! Zara only just recently opened here in Australia! I really like the 1st and 3rd earrings!